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HomeProgram & Meetings

Program & Unit Meetings

The League of Women Voters presents monthly Unit Meetings throughout Tarrant County as well as online via Zoom. "Units" are smaller, regional membership groups within LWVTC. Topics are chosen by the Program Committee lead by Vice President of Program, Janet Mattern.

Our Units are a wonderful place to become better informed about topics of interest to the residents of Tarrant County and to know those League members in your area of the County. Your presence will make a difference and your voice counts.


Read below for info on upcoming Unit Meetings

To attend a Zoom Meeting, please email for an invitation.

February 2023 Unit Meeting TOPIC – Deaths in Tarrant County Jails

The topic for the February 16th unit meetings is Deaths in Tarrant County Jails. League members Reed Bilz and Linda Hanratty are working with the Broadway Baptist Church Justice Committee to bring attention to this issue at the Tuesday Tarrant County Commissioner Court meetings.

Reed Bilz will speak to this topic at the Downtown unit meeting, held at Trinity Terrace (Chisholm Trail room) at 1pm. Katherine Godby from the Broad Baptist Church Justice Committee will be speaking on this topic at the Zoom (evening) Unit Meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm. The Zoom meeting will open for at 6pm, for brief socializing ahead of the meeting.

Katherine Godby is the chair of the Justice Committee of Broadway Baptist Church, Ft. Worth. She’s retired now but spent her career in ministry. After earning a Ph.D. in pastoral theology/counseling and an M.Div. from Brite Divinity School, and after her ordination in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), she served in spiritual formation positions in local churches and as a hospice chaplain and spiritual director. As the Justice Committee chair, she has led the committee in its advocacy on behalf of persons (*) experiencing homelessness and, for the last six months, on behalf of (*) incarcerated persons at the Tarrant County Jail.

When she and two others from Broadway made public comments to the Commissioners Court on Aug. 2 last year, calling for an investigation of the high number of deaths at the Jail, then-County Judge Glen Whitley recommended a meeting with the sheriff. The comments and the judge’s suggestion became a story in the Star-Telegram the next day, and from there, Broadway’s advocacy took off.

The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County in mid-December voted to add Broadway’s Justice Committee as a coalition group for support and advocacy, and assigned Reed Bilz and Linda Hanratty as liaisons.

Please review the reference information prepared by Reed Bilz regarding deaths in Tarrant County Jails.

Resource Info: Deaths in Tarrant County Jails

If we have sufficient interest in this topic, we may organize a field trip to visit one of the Tarrant County Jails. If you are interested in visiting the jail, please let us know at the February unit meeting or contact Janet Mattern ( ).

January 2023 Unit Meeting Review and a Look Ahead: 


January Unit Meeting – Local Program Review 


Thank you for the members that attended the January unit meetings and contributed to suggesting changes to our Local Program. These updates when approved by membership at the May Annual meeting will help guide our local league advocacy. 


The suggested updates will next go to the board for their review and their recommendation. All updates, those recommended by the board and those requested but not recommended by the board will be made available to membership in a future Voter newsletter and will be available from the website Document Library. 


Please contact Janet Mattern if you are interested in assisting with Local Program work or would like to assist with Unit Meeting Planning. 


In February, the Unit Meeting topic is Deaths in Tarrant County Jails.


In March, we will visit Tarrant County Elections Administration to observe Testing of Election Equipment in Preparation for the May Municipal Election. Tentatively scheduled for week of March 13th.  This will be posted on our Events calendar when we get confirmation of the exact dates, and we will provide information for those interested in carpooling to this event. 





January 2023 Unit Meeting TOPIC – 2023 Local Program Review 


At the January unit meeting we will perform our annual review of our Local Program. Please come prepared to suggest changes or additions based on issues that warrant potential future advocacy. 


Please review the current 2022 Local Program document (user login required). 


We have two Unit Meetings in January, they are both held on January 19th. The Downtown unit will meet in the Chisholm Trail Room at Trinity Terrace at 1pm. The Zoom unit will meet at 6:30 via Zoom, the Zoom link opens at 6pm. The Zoom meeting link is available from the website calendar event link.

December 2022 Unit Meeting – 2022 Housing Study  


Elaine Klos, Chair of the Housing Study Committee and the Housing Committee (Reed Bilz, Linda Hanratty, Steve Epstein and Ann Stevenson) presented an overview of their Housing Study at the December unit meeting.  


The committee did a great job identifying the current housing status and options. I want to thank all members who have contributed to this study.  This is a difficult issue. There are many contributing factors to housing insecurity and few agencies providing assistance.  


2022 provided a worst-case scenario in a search for affordable housing, with evictions on the rise and with the unprecedented soaring cost of housing.   


Please review the 2022 Housing Study (user login required). 


The following Discussion Questions and proposed Local Program updates were modified by the Committee after the unit meeting based on unit meeting feedback.  



HOUSING STUDY QUESTIONS   modified 12-17-2022 


  1. What do you consider to be the most compelling barriers to obtaining affordable housing?  
  • Availability of affordable housing  
  • Rent vs. income.   
  • Insufficient financial assistance, public or private  
  • Lack of a comprehensive list of sources for assistance  
  • Refusal to accept housing vouchers  
  • Liberal eviction laws for landlords  
  • Limitations for construction  
  • Lack of comprehensive, consolidated list of current available housing  
  • Lack of comprehensive, consolidated information regarding qualifications and uniform process for applying.  
  • Inadequate transportation, access needed for schools, childcare, essential shopping  
  • Lack of Community Support Services (example: Fort Worth, Las Vegas Trail area). 
  • Institutional discrimination including, income inequality, race, belief system, ethnicity, gender, education, job status, poverty, social status. 


  1. What are ways to remove the above identified barriers?  
  • More funding, public and private  
  • More housing choices  
  • Streamlined and uniform methods for obtaining vouchers including criteria and process  
  • Coordinated funding resources similar to coalition for mental health services 
  • Eliminate institutional discrimination of funding and economic areas. Enforce current laws. 


  1. The study committee is asking for consensus to make changes and additions to the current Housing position based on this study.  
  • Do you agree to proceed with all the proposed changes?  
  • If not, do we need to remove or amend any of the proposed changes? Please specify.  
  • Do we need to make any additional changes? Please specify.  
  • The current language is fine as is and no changes are required.  


  1. Which issues warrant priority action?   


  1. What action, if any, should LWVTC take?  
  • Write action letters to elected officials  
  • Make presentation(s) to governmental entities  
  • Write op-ed piece or letter to the Editor  
  • Edit and expand referral/resource list and make available for use  
  • Work with LWVUS and LWVTX on appropriate legislation  
  • Other  



 Current LOCAL PROGRAM and Consensus Statement language 


  SUPPORT access to affordable housing for people in Tarrant County League area. 5–89   


Consensus Statement: (Changes require membership approval at Annual Meeting) 

HOUSING - May 1989 the League of Women Voters of Tarrant County supports access to affordable housing for all people in Tarrant County. with a single source for low-income housing, required criteria for rent or purchase, and tenant resources. 


• Funding should come from all levels of government - local, state, county, federal - and from the private sector. 


• Support for a variety of housing units for low-income individuals and families including, but not limited to; tiny houses, manufactured housing, single room occupancy, boarding houses, apartments in various settings, and single-family homes, as well as traditional subsidized low-income housing.  


• Support for supervised transitional housing for the elderly, mentally ill, homeless, battered spouses, disabled and others needing additional support services while residents work towards more permanent housing. 


• Provide for low-income housing residents to pay on a sliding scale based on their income. 


• Encourage social service agencies and private organizations to bridge the gap between the need for and the availability of housing and support services. 


• Increase funding for existing agencies to increase their staff, to include an increase in case managers who should coordinate landlord and tenant counseling programs, advocacy for residents, and outreach and promotion for community networking. 


• Emphasize cooperation among all of those involved in low-income housing: agencies, landlords, managers, and the tenants themselves. 


Proposed LOCAL PROGRAM and Consensus Statement language 

Proposed Amended Position:  

Encourage governmental, social service agencies and private organizations to continue to bridge the gap between the need for and the availability of affordable and low-cost housing and support services. 

Proposed Additional Positions:  

  • Advocate for more consistent and simplified approaches to affordable and low-income housing including the qualification criteria and application process.  
  • Locate affordable housing near schools, childcare, essential shopping, and neighborhood support services. (e.g., Fort Worth Las Vegas Trail project) 
  • Advocate to eliminate institutional discrimination including all funding and voucher distribution inequality, and all protected classes under law or local ordinance. 
  • Periodically review the status of housing for low-income residents and advocate for improvements in laws and regulations, including zoning, at all governmental levels.  
  • Take appropriate action, as needed, to increase funding to re-open waiting lists for affordable housing. 
  •  Take appropriate action, as needed, to encourage local governmental agencies to initiate planning to find permanent solutions to the affordable housing problem. 
  • Take appropriate action, as needed, to support appropriate affordable housing proposals. 
  • Advocate for the extension of the existing Statewide 211 social service line to provide improved clearinghouse services for low-income affordable housing.  This clearing house would complement existing homeless coalition services and have low-income affordable focused data on all currently available housing, updated qualification criteria, and uniform application process information. 

Proposed Specific LWVTC Actions 

This new subsection has been included to describe specific actions that we expect LWVTC to act upon.  Although the additional Affordable Housing positions included in this document, above, address LWV beliefs and objectives, the vast majority of those items do not fit within the LWV charter, nor are they achievable within the resources that the LWVTC would be able to apply. However, as made clear in our report, despite significant actions at the federal, state, county, local, and non-profit level, the Low-Cost Affordable Housing Issue in Tarrant County has been getting worse and there are actions that LWVTC can and should take to help improve the situation.  The specific actions recommended are listed below. As the years go by, other actions addressing the general bullets in the material above can be added. 


  • Monitor the proceedings of the United States Congress, Texas Legislature, Tarrant County Commissioner’s Court, City Councils, and other policy making bodies that concern affordable housing topics. Identify items which could benefit from LWV advocacy. [Responsible Lead (name here),] 
  • Brief the LWVTC membership about Affordable Housing needs twice a year. During the briefings explicitly list legislative and policy topics that could benefit from specific LWVTC leadership and membership actions. Additional actions may need to be taken between briefings. [Responsible Lead (name here), Solicit volunteers to take detailed actions)]