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LWVTC Responds to Election Administrator's Resignation

LVW Tarrant County | Published on 4/19/2023

League of Women Voters of Tarrant County Releases Statement Regarding the Resignation of Tarrant County’s Election Administrator Heider Garcia

TARRANT COUNTY - The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County (LWVTC) is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization. We do not support or oppose any political party or any candidates. Our mission is to empower voters and defend democracy. To that end, we believe elections must be nonpartisan, transparent, accurate, accessible, and secure to ensure voter confidence and prevent election fraud.

Elections Administrator Heider Garcia made improvements to Tarrant County Elections to instill trust and confidence in our elections. Many elections officials in Texas and other states have been impressed with Mr. Garcia’s work that they are emulating his work to address misinformation, election deniers, and prevent voter fraud. In April 2022, the League of Women Voters of Texas honored Mr. Garcia for his outstanding service as Elections Administrator of Tarrant County. 

Despite Covid, threats of violence against his family, repeated audits that found no problems with our elections, and election deniers who nonetheless continue spreading unfounded lies about the election process, fraud and results, Mr. Garcia remained committed. We appreciate his service to our county and wish him the very best.

The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County is dismayed to learn about Mr. Garcia’s resignation. He is a fierce advocate for democracy and has worked tirelessly to ensure that our elections are fairly administered, without favor to any party or candidate and with diligent effort to prevent voter fraud.

The next Elections Administrator must have the same outstanding qualifications as Mr. Garcia, and continue Mr. Garcia’s example of putting democracy, transparency, and sanctity of our elections process first. There is no place for partisanship in elections administration.